Entry 5 vs. entry 6

Entry six: 06 October 2010
Scale A = 37.5 inch (0.5 inch lost!)
Scale B = 32.0 inch (0.5 inch lost!)
Scale C = 42.5 inch (0.5 inch lost!)
Scale D = 42.5 inch (0.5 inch lost!)
Scale E = 41.5 inch (0.5 inch lost!)
Next update: 17 October 2010
PSF 2: Entry 5 here

Entry six: 06 October 2010
Scale A = 37.5 inch (0.5 inch lost!)
Scale B = 32.0 inch (0.5 inch lost!)
Scale C = 42.5 inch (0.5 inch lost!)
Scale D = 42.5 inch (0.5 inch lost!)
Scale E = 41.5 inch (0.5 inch lost!)
Next update: 17 October 2010
PSF 2: Entry 5 here
Hello, and sorry for the late update. No good reason this time, I just felt like I didn't wanna update it, given that I've lost so little *possibly gaining* some weight for the past two weeks.
A friend of mine came by from Sabah for her graduation on the 23rd October, so she invited me and my friends out like multiple times in a week. I didn't wanna resist the invitation because she was only gonna be here for a week period of time from the date she arrived, so we savor and cherished every moment together before the official goodbye on the 30th October. Of course there's no point of meeting and going out with your friends without loitering at the fast food restaurant, so you can guess how many times I spoiled myself with fast and junk food. Though I was busy dining outside, I never forget to count my calorie intake though. I must admit that there was no fun dining when your mind keeps itself busy calculating every bite of calories that went down your throat.
There were 3 to 4 days that I had my calorie intake exceeded the limit of 1700kCal. According to the Calorie Counter, I have to at least consume not more than 1700kCal to reach my goal weight in time, but of course I never consumed that much until my numbers of dining out increased. I am now feeling so guilty of myself, so I decided to fast starting yesterday. Given that I've consumed food quite often on the past two weeks, I had a hard time fasting again. I'm guessing because my body is already used to the inappropriate time of dining, so I get hungry all the time, and it made yesterday's fasting attempt hard just like it was when I decided to fast before the Hari Raya. Still I managed to avoid eating large amount of rice, and take carbonated drinks and all the other junk food. So I can conclude yesterday's fasting attempt "some what success".
The weather during the past two weeks weren't friendly either, so I only get to jog 2 times in a week. Same thing happened today, when the rain pours at 5pm till 6++pm. Oh I almost forgot! I also fell ill with with fever for 4 days since last Tuesday. My movement was limited by the headache and weak body. So all I did during that 4 miserable days were taking my medicine, eat and then sleep.
So, that's it for this entry's update. Sorry to disappoint you with the result, and believe me, my disappointment is twice as much as yours. I will get back on track this week, and I promise you a positive result on my next update. Wish me luck!
Ps: I consider a 0.5 inch loss as no difference. So, I say no physical change since entry 5. Anyway, I'm glad PSF is making me worry about not losing weight. This is the main reason to why I wanna update it online and make it public, to make myself aware of my own mission.
bole kurus tu..
sya ne pun on de way in process for deceasing all de faty tissue..
sory for u feelin sick, get well soon n gud luck in shaping ur body!!
Rungitom, yes. I'm trying to do my old 20-min indoor excse agn. I don't like indoor exercise but in these weather and situation, I have to... Thanks!
Lorn, trima kaseh!! Mo nangis sy baca ko nampak perubahan! *Emo kejap*... sy ok juga minum teh, tp balik2 lari g tandas.. huhu..
I come from roma, I was luck to search your Topics in bing
Also I get much in your Topics really thank your very much i will come later