Entry 4 vs. entry 5
There were some physical changing that I didn't realize until last week... T_T

Entry five: 19 September 2010
Scale A = 38.0 inch (1.5 inch lost!)
Scale B = 33.5 inch (1 inch lost!)
Scale C = 43.5 inch (1 inch lost!)
Scale D = 43.0 inch (0.5 inch lost!)
Scale E = 42 inch (1.0 inch lost!)
Next update: 03 October 2010
PSF 2: Entry 4 here

Entry five: 19 September 2010
Scale A = 38.0 inch (1.5 inch lost!)
Scale B = 33.5 inch (1 inch lost!)
Scale C = 43.5 inch (1 inch lost!)
Scale D = 43.0 inch (0.5 inch lost!)
Scale E = 42 inch (1.0 inch lost!)
Next update: 03 October 2010
PSF 2: Entry 4 here
Yay!! Look's like I achieved my 'Holiday Goal' pretty well. I don't think I need to elaborate the result because I've presented it to you in the simplest form as usual. :)
Let me tell you what happened for the past 2 weeks. There were no new exercise or dieting routine I've done. It was just the same old thing which were jogging and less-eating. During the first week of holiday, I jog almost every evening because I have nothing else to do in the dorm and I wanted to try out the open gym near the lake. I tried almost everything except for the weight lifting thing. I have no interest into building huge biceps or triceps just yet, so I passed.
However, during the second week of holiday, I twisted my leg while I was walking down the stairs and trying to avoid stepping into cats at the same time. My left foot hurt pretty bad, so I couldn't jog for couple days. When my foot healed, I couldn't jog as well because I was occupied else where with my friends. It was holiday alright, I needed some time out to be with my friends too.
Though I paused my jogging routine for the whole 2nd week of holiday, I also consumed less food knowing that my body won't be needing the calories. I consumed medium serving of rice with canned food every evening, which was 1000kcal tops. 1 meal for the whole day. If I get hungry later, I drink a glass of orange juice which contains 40kcal tops. If I feel hungry again later, I just ignore the hunger. It wasn't easy, but I have to do it.
I was quite frustrated knowing that there were no physical changes after I went through all this less-eating and exercising for weeks, but I didn't give up. Few days ago, I tried looking for some old clothes in my locker, and I found this one purple sleeveless T-shirt I bought since I was in the 1st year. I felt hopeless the moment I saw it, but I try putting it on anyway.... and it fits!! It's even loose when I put it on! Haaahhaa!! Only then I realize the physical changing I've been longing to see and feel. Ok, nuff said!!
So, that's it for this entry's update. Don't forget to follow up my next update and wish me luck! :)
Ps: Is it just me, or is my head getting rounder on each and every updates??
So the slight injury caused you not to jog eh? Maybe some power workout will double your result next time, working out to the limit while maintaining diet at the same time. That would be a challenge.
Slight injury was a lame excuse to not jogging, I know. But yes, it caused me not wanting to jog for a day. :#(
Power workout and dieting is a BIG challenge! I don't think I'm ready for that yet... even the hunger ignoring attempt almost killed me... luckily my wallet was empty at the time, cause if not I would've go for McD delivery... huhu~
sya ni, mcm teda will power oh.. nda tau apa lg mau buat...
Sabar fion, buli ja tu kalau ko distract sendiri mind ko... p main game ka... study balik ka...