How helped me! *wink wink*

I knew about from a blogger friend, Zezebel. Well, she did not actually promote to me. I just saw stamp on her blog sidebar and I simply clicked on it and made myself a account, and voila! I'm an official member on the 21st October 2010. :)

I started blogging since I was 13 on Then I jumped to Friendster blog and now For the past 10 years of blogging, I never really care about receiving feedback from other people, since my original purpose of blogging was to pour out my thoughts and opinion on various things, without expecting people to read and responded to me. However, ever since I started blogging about personal thoughts and ideas, the need of reading feedback, comments and gaining blogger friends came to mind. This sudden need of responses made me wanna involve into a blogger community, but the problem was I didn't know where to find the right community that suits me. I joined several blogger community but none of them actually helped me achieve what I want. Don't believe me? Look at this..

I'd like to post more sad pictures like this, but... never mind.

Anyway, like I've mentioned before I joined on the 21st October 2010. I thought it will be just like the rest of the bloggers community which won't contribute much traffic to my blog and make me look like someone who failed to get any feedback at all. Much to my surprise, people are actually reading my posts and voted it. It doesn't matter to me if I gained many votes or not, what matter is someone read my posts and gave me a feedback. From, people are beginning to visit my blog and increase my blog traffic.

I get comments on almost every single post I made since I joined and my blog's traffic is increasing everyday! Not only that, I also gained more followers and blogger friends on both my google account and account! And.... most exciting of all, I was featured on in just about 1 month after I joined!

I haven't felt that good about blogging ever since I started blogging and now I'm a lot more excited to blog about anything. Because I know someone will read my post, even though they don't mind leaving any comments. Just knowing that someone reads my post is enough to make me feel appreciated, and I have to thank for it.

Thank you!! You rock!!!

Ps: This post was intended as a ticket to grab the chance of winning a free Ipad from Although this article isn't that fancy enough to compete with other bloggers that has superb English grammar and funner way of expressing their appreciation towards, I too don't wanna miss the chance to thank for increasing traffic to my blog, made me gain more blogger friends and follower and made me a featured blogger.


Didz said…
Hey Onn, congrats for being featured blogger in bloggers! It's been quite a while I haven't heard from you. Sekarang kau sudah famous, hehe ^^,
ONN said…
Wah! Hahaha. Takdela... old news la tu. Yelah. Now busy with part-time and house-work. I'm a temp now.. huhu~ but I do read ur updates. :)
Zezebel said… ja yang saya paham kalau saya..selalu bw dr sana ja..good luck utk tu ipad a.
Veraa said…
*wink* terus rasa mo join ni!! wakakakaa...
ONN said…
Zezebel, thank u! Dr blog ko juga sy tenampak baitu. Beribu2 org join tu, kebarangkalian terampit saguhati pun mcm teda. haha..

Bo, g join! Kalau ko dpt ipad buli jua sy begumbira pinjam kalau sy g tmpt kamu! Wuhahaha!!
iantie said…
21/10 - alamak! birthday aku!! khehehe

congralts on being the featured blogger!!! =D
ONN said…
Aiyakk Iantie... nanti I wish u k.. hoho *set reminder in handphone*
a-Me Jay said…
hi onn, same with me here.. sudden need of feedback mmg tinggi... pa lagi klu kta update new thing in blog. But problem with, not really updating my blog.. bla da idea, i'm not in front of d comp. then bla sa mau start sdh write the blog, no idea at all.. hurm.. i think i should have something in my hand that i can used to write my blog when i have the idea kan... :)
ONN said…
Hahaha, ya ba. Sy pun mcm tu juga. Kalau ada idea, teda pula lappy. Kalau depan lappy, tetau pula mau tulis apa.. even kalau da jot down idea d notepad, sudah depan lappy trus teda minat da mau tulis tu topik.. huhu~