A classic logic truthful/liars logic riddle

To my blogger friends, I am very sorry to not be able to blog-walk to your blog these recently. To those who've left their footprints here and followed my blog, thank you so much and I promise I'll do the same to you when this busy studies/assignments/thesis/exams tornado slows down. Same thing goes to my PSF 2 follower. I doubt that I'll lose more weight during these busy times, but I'm still struggling.

To update this blog with a simple apology will be a total absurd, even to myself. So, I leave you a classic Labyrinth logic riddle that has been everyone's favourite since the 80s. So, to those who knows the answer, do share it to the people who doesn't know it, and to those who would like to give a try, go on. Here's the riddle.

You die, and your soul is now finding it's way to heaven. While attempting to do so, you found two doors and each of them is guarded by one guard. One of these doors leads to heaven and the other one leads straight to hell. The afterlife journey becomes tricky as one of the guard is a perfect liar, and the other one always speaks the truth. To know which door leads to where, you are allowed to ask only ONE question to both guards. What is the right question to ask?

I need to tell you that both doors are identical, and so as the guards who also happen to be an identical twins wearing the same outfit. The picture posted is only for fun purpose, and NOT a clue.

So again, thank you and happy answering!



Anonymous said…
I kept asking this question to myself up until now. I even confused when Mary from the Labyrinth chosed the right door when. I searched the net, and the only clue i get was mathematical. I doubt there's even a logic answer to this riddle. If there is, do share it please.

Clement Chua.
ONN said…
Clement, why doubt? There is a logic answer to this question. There's a movie of this riddle? What's the title?