Project Single Fatty, 8th week (7th entry)

Week eight: 24 June 2010
Current weight = 87Kg (0Kg lost!)
Next update: 1 July 2010

Oh no!!! I was aiming for a 0.5Kg lost last week but I failed, but no worry. I still haven't gained any weight and I'm glad to stay below the 90. Just for the info, I'll be back to Johor on the 12th July 2010 and I have no weighing scale there. I tried to buy one from Jusco but the errors from each scales are too great. Who wants false results for weight losing goal? So I decided to use a measurement tape like the ones tailors use. I'm gonna update my PSF here using my waist diameter to replace the weight readings.

People have been suggesting me to buy weighing scale from the fitness shop but the price is too great for a student like me. Although my common sense tells me, better price = better accuracy, but I just couldn't use that much money for my own goal and achievement yet. I'll wait till I'm working and receive salary of my own and perhaps I'll buy one together with a boxing glove and a sandbag. I love boxing eversince Manny Pacquiao won his match against Ricky Hatton on 2009. Oh! Off topic, sorry.

That's all I think for last weeks PSF post. I've been writing this post in my notebook so that the result is fair and not cheated plus I'm really really serious about this. I just couldn't update it here because our streamyx line was down. So, buh-bye!


N.J. said…
all the best onn... sama2 kita berusaha mguruskan badan =).....
ONN said…
Thanks nic, sy ada commitment issue ni... mcm naik turun ja semangat.. huhu.. pain paksa diri ja ni sekarang kalau x, sampai bila2 obese...
N.J. said…
xpa xpa... berusaha tangga kejayaan... ko cari sumthing yg buli buat ko bersemangat tuk trus berusaha... cnfirm buli tu..p/s: sa pun gitu jua wkakaka