Project Single Fatty, 7th week (6th entry)

Week seven: 17 June 2010
Current weight = 87Kg (2Kg lost!)
Next update: 24 June 2010

Woot!! I haven't been updating my PSF in a while and I hope you're not thinking of me quitting out of this challenge already. Too many things happened that prevented me from updating my PSF. 7 weeks of doing PSF has made me lost 5Kg in total and I feel a little different already. Like I no longer could wear my jeans properly unless if I buckled up a belt around my waist.

My family has bought an exercise equipment. I don't know what's it called but it looks like a running bicycle thing. I must say that I underestimated that thing until I tried it myself. I set it to 5 minutes and started running on my first try. On the 3rd minutes, I was gasping for air like dying people and it was so funny. I have been running on it for almost 3 weeks now and I now have more stamina to run for 16 minutes non stop with 5 Kilometers far and 300 calories burnt everyday. I don't know what else to type for this entry and if I got the idea I'll update this later okay.


FionaFabian said…
onn!! congratssss.... baru 7 minggu hilang 5 kg..gud gud! kalauuu la sya mcm tu kan bgs.. anyway, gambatee!!
ONN said…
Ko x pyh la fiona.... slim suda ko tu.. kasi kurang sikit ja!
FionaFabian said…
sya mau kasi hilang 10kg ni.. tp teda semangat mo update d blog (abis teda penurunan gia)..dlo sj hangat2.. hehe..