The Big Bang Theory S03E23 + Bleach (Anime) Episode 272

If you are looking for torrent download links for both episodes, here they are. My rate for TBBT is A9/V9 and Bleach A10/V10. Please seed after you download it okay. Other people want to download them too. :)
The Big Bang Theory S03E23 -> 25th May 2010
Bleach (Anime); Episode 272 -> 26th May 2010

The Big Bang Theory S03E23; The Lunar Excitation

Finally it's the season 3 finale for The Big Bang Theory! Huwaaa!!!! There has got to be a season 4 because the 23rd episode ending was..... tergantung!! Sheldon didn't really get involve with Amy, although in the end Sheldon offered her a beverage, which is rare because Sheldon do not simply offer beverage to anyone he just met. There are other reasons for Chuck Lorre to continue TBBT on with season 4! These are my reasons; Sheldon MUST have a girlfriend, Leonard and Penny MUST get back together, Raj MUST have a girlfriend AND able to talk to her as well, the apartment building elevator must be fixed and my last reason is, I wanna know how Howard's mother actually look like!!! Please please please Chuck Lorre!!! Please continue with TBBT season 4!!!

Bleach Anime episode 272

Finally, one of my favorite espada is dead, Ulquiorra. It's sad actually because at the end he realizes the value of human soul. It is also irritating as usual that Ichigo is not able to possess the 2nd hollow transformation no more. I wonder why is it always like that? First they show you something cool using evil, and when you get so excited they just pull the excitement back and make you think and see good people as dull people/fighters. Geesh! I still love the show though but somehow I really wish Ichigo is able to control the 2nd hollow transformation just the way he did on his hollow mask *bad chance cos the manga saids so.... :(*.
