Anime/Cartoons to Hollywood Live Action!

I've been wanting to type out my opinion on this for so long but tests and assignments always get in my way. I guess now is my best time to type my heart out on something that really catches my attention. Now I want to express my opinion and thoughts based on the title above!

Firstly, I must say that Hollywood movies production is still the best above all the worldwide movie production. Name any great or super duper box-office movies and there you have it, the Hollywood movies are always on the top of the chart. Cartoons to live action movie? Hollywood never let their viewers down after releasing so many comic-based movies for example the Batman, X-men, Spiderman, Ninja Turtles, Ghost buster, Casper, Superman, Transformers and many more... woot!! I love em' all!!! BUT hey! Japanese Anime to live action Hollywood movie?? Well, I don't know much about the Asian movie production but so far, the BEST Anime to live action movie I've ever watched was the Death Note. There are probably more of them out there but like I said, I don't know much of Anime/Cartoon to live action movie by Asian movie production. Just for the record, Anime≠Cartoon. Go do the research by yourself on this matter OK.

Another thing I'd like to note here is.... *another one of my opinion of course* the best Anime circling the globe so far are the ones created by the Japanese! I love Japanese anime so much!!! Now let's talk about Japanese anime to live action movie...

The first Japanese Anime life action movie by Hollywood I've ever watched was the Dragon Ball and it was THE MOST TERRIBLE MOVIE OF ALL TIME! I repeat, THE MOST TERRIBLE....!!!! I wonder what the people behind the scene were thinking when they made DB live action. The story was not only too predictable but lack of the original resemblance as well. As a die-hard fan of DB, I was expecting to see Goku to have that massive spiky hair with those medium muscular body together with his tail. Those are the things that attracted people into watching DB at the first place as manga, and when it was Holliwoodized, DB became something else. It was as if Hollywood was trying to create a new movie and character using the same title just to make it recognizable and popular. I didn't recall Goku bumped into a mustang or Bulma being stronger than Goku *Bulma being smarter than Goku yes but she was never stronger than Goku even when Goku was only a child*, but that's what Hollywood presented. It even disgusted me how they simply take out the comic-book story outline and make a movie out of it without even showing the effort to make it interesting from the original manga.

Why the hell did a white American boy play Goku? This may sound racist and most Western would say, "So what if white a guy plays Goku? Goku's just a cartoon and it doesn't really matter who's gonna play his role anyway. As long as the story line's good. By the way, Goku's a Saiyan so one doesn't have to be an Asian to be Goku"

Here's the problem, people expect Goku to be an Asian, a Japanese to be exact. Although Goku is a Saiyan and weren't really a Japanese, it is the Japanese expression and aura that has introduced Goku to the world through it's manga and anime *even though the manga have been translated into various languages around the world*, plus the original author is in fact a Japanese. I bet the Western people are gonna disagree if an Asian or Mexican or Russian actor plays Superman, Spiderman, Flash or the rest of Stan Lee's fictional characters. These characters have been introduced to the world through it's creators nationality and that is how the cartoons/anime live action character should be presented to the world as well. I mean, you can't just pick up a famous Japanese peace of work and present it in your non-Japanese style. It's just not right, don't you think? It is true that Hollywood can make every magic effects work great in a movie but wrong choices of actor can bring the whole movie down to its disaster!

Another thing is, I'm not really sure if I'm the only one who realize this but Japanese manga/anime have their own specialty when it comes to adding humor and comedy into their manga/anime. I meant humors like the funny *totally different* face expressions, spontaneous comedy and dialogues and the rest of the small funny but effective humor addition. Other than Hollywood spoof movies, I have never seen such simple but funny things been added into their cartoons. I have never seen Spiderman or Batman have this large sweat drops behind their head or even a small funny talk-backs being added between the hero and the villain fights. It was always serious in Hollywood movies. Even if there are some funny things, they were always presented as "smart jokes" that's hard for people to understand, or not even funny at all when it was presented using other languages besides English.

When people say that these Japanese jokes can never be presented in live action, it is totally wrong. Go watch Bleach Rock Musical on youtube and there you'll see how those simple funny act made people laugh. Well, of course they didn't have the large sweat drop behind their head but the funny crying, cute, strong, dance and small-talks dialogues worked excellently well on stage. I bet if such stage theaters could present the "small" jokes well, then the live action movie might as well present the jokes even better, in better movie effects quality of course.

Oh... talking about Bleach Rock Musical, the Warner Brothers have recently announced that they are making a live action movie out of Bleach. This better ought to be good because most people are expecting another failure after the Dragon Ball's terrible failure...

Though, I'm wishing the Warner Brothers to do their best because I LOVE BLEACH so much!

Here are some of the Bleach Rock Musical pictures I found online. They look remarkably the same as the original characters from the manga and anime. I hope the Holliwood Bleach characters will be as good looking as these people from BRM!!

Last but not least, GANBATTE WARNER-SAN!!!! Hehehe...


Anonymous said…
Sorry, but that sucks....
ONN said…
Lol! If u are talking about the Bleach Rock Musical casts, they do look terrible from the posters. But they look way better than the Hollywood Goku.. :\