Weird names! Sadly, that includes mine too...

There are some weird names out there that sounds funny, interesting, stupid and odd. It's sad to see how the parents give such name to their kids that made the kid's life miserable to have to face all the bad jokes people make out of their name. I've been in that situation. I know how it feels. By the way, this is my name.


Weird and odd isn’t it? I bet you wouldn't know how to pronounce it well on your first attempt. It's simple actually and of course I'm glad I have this name because it reflect exactly the kind of person I am. However, I do face difficulties with it, and sometimes I have to use a fake name to make an online order. For instance, I use 'Mary' to make McDonald and Pizza Hut order delivery calls. If I tell them my real name, I would've wasted an extra 80cents for the credit calls just to repeat my name and spell it out for them for customers detail information purpose, and I clearly don't want that. Some people might find it addicting to say it out loud when they finally able to pronounce it correctly. Anyway, I usually let people call me by my nickname, Onn.

There are however some name that sounded almost like mine. They were Severino and Jevelonne, and not forgetting Savlon the aid and medical product. This doesn't make me proud to own this name but at least, there are someone or something owns the (almost) similar weird name like mine. Hehehe...

There are some weirder names out there that you wouldn't want to name your children with it. Like, Gwen Stefani's son namely Zuma Nesta Rock. I feel pity for that kid and I couldn't imagine how the kid's gonna have to grow up with all the jokes over his name. Another weird and funny name is Helen Zaas. You probably heard this name from the Charlie's Angels movie and I thought it was only a fiction name when I read somewhere that this name actually belongs to someone real. Another funny name that I just found out is Dan Druff. Sorry to whoever owns this name but I can't help myself from laughing because it's just funny and disgusting.

There is one name that bother me so much. It's just a simple name that sounds wicked and funny when it is pronounce together with any last name, especially when that last name means something. It's DICK!!! Here are the list of Dick's together with the last name that really made me laugh out loud!!

  • Dick Bender (real sports person)
  • Dick Burns
  • Dick Bush (real person)
  • Dick Face
  • Dick Finder (real name of a urologist)
  • Dick Head
  • Dick Hertz
  • Dick Hyman (famous jazz musician)
  • Dick Hunter
  • Dick Mussell
  • Dick Pole (real major league baseball player)
  • Dick Rasch (real person)
  • Dick Swett
  • Dick Tator
  • Dick Trickle
Oh my God!! Poor people!! You must have had an awful high school times with this name! I feel sorry for you! But not to worry because you are still a human being after all. You're just a dick by the name. Hahahahah!!!

Anyway, if I am gonna be a parent one day, I really wouldn't want to name my children using weird names. I've been trough my life with my name and sadly it's a long way to go for me to continue my life with this name, but I'm glad to be able to give people great laughs with my name. Some people have to crack stupid jokes to make people laugh but me, all I have to do is, "Nama saya Sevelonn. Panggil ja saya Onn. Err.. you know, on/off... so.. Onn!" and people will laugh like I just told them a joke when I actually didn't.

There are some weird names that sounded nice to me though. Like Elle, Emmet, Pearl, Cyril, Bluebelle, Summer, Ernest, Virginia, Lucas, Iris and there are lots more! I would love to name my kids using these names one day. I guess that's all I want to merepek about today.

Ps: Those of you who laughs at my name but having a so-called-normal names like Adam, Bobby, Billy, Christina, Mary... or anything else that is just common, here are some words for you. Go to hell together with your boring and common name because you are never gonna sound cool to anyone like us, the owners of the weird names!


Veraa said…
sy pandai sebut oo ptama kali sy baca pun..hahaha..
ONN said…
Tidak... ko sebut sevelon! Sebutan sebenar adalah seakan-akan savelonn (sebutan org putih aa... bukan baku!!)