Is it lack of social common sense or rude?

Okay. I've been living here in Johor since the day I started my campus life in UTM and to generalize my opinion about people here, I mean in peninsula, they have all been nice to me. Of course I've heard quite a lot of negative things about them before I got in here and I kinda listed all the bad things in my mind, just for mental preparation since I'm quite a sensitive person and not to mention about sarcasm and abusive physical action on others when I get really really mad. So far, there are only a few ticks on the list, lets say 1/6 and that's a very little fraction to make a whole conclusion based on the earlier hypothesis, or it may even be a fail result.

However, I can't help myself but to think of something that is a very common sense to even make it an issue. This post maybe silly or prejudgment because it is from my own point of view towards someone who might gonna read this, and perhaps will conclude that I'm an over reacting and an unthinking person. Don't blame me for calling you rude because you bother yourself so much to greet or say goodbye before you leave. Well, of course I don't expect you to bagi salam to me before you go but is it even hard to say, "Jalan dulu k.." and then go?

You know how to knock before you got in, and you just storm out to leave before even saying that you'll leave. Why do this bother me so much? Because it left me confuse. Friggin' confuse if you wonder how confused I was. You knock on my door, ask me something that is important to you, and after I answered it, you nod and leave just like that while I'm still sitting and wondering whether or not I answered you right while staring at you on your way out. Isn't that consider rude? It's like receiving something from someone and just walk away without saying thank you and goodbye. People like that really have to do something to fix such rude attitude. I don't expect a great hand shake and a thank you hug, but "Ok, bye." is enough to acknowledge people that you're done with them (at least) and will leave now.

One more thing, I am a Sabahan and I'm proud to talk like a Sabahan because what we talk and say is an appropriate malay language with a little bit of native accent here and there. Of course I also assume you(peninsularian) also feel the same because eventually your accent is somehow said to be a "formal and standard" accent. I have no problem with that. No single problem at all! However, understand that when I couldn't catch up with what you're saying, it means that I need you to either slow down or explain it the other way that will make me understand what you're trying to say. I don't need repetition because if you are going to repeat the same shit you said earlier, it will not help us to achieve a successful one way(or more) conversation but to guide us in a same circular path (like a roundabout) which will end up making us dizzy and throw up on each other! And trust me, looking at my size and imagining the amount and type of food I take, you will not want me to throw up on you in a million years!

I mean, common my peninsularian friends. I like you all to be part of my life chapters here but don't leave such bad tags on it.

The only time I recall walking away from someone without acknowledging them is when I got real mad as the person that was talking shit about someone. If the word "jalan dulu" is such a big deal for you to good-bying people, then try something simple like "ciao!" or nod and wave a bit. That's enough to let people know that you are not rude or having problem with them.

Try it!! It's worth for warm friendship...


mij0ohAns said…
ok,i'll try to be a better friend for u,onn :)
ONN said…
notspecify 2 u la mizu... ure fine...