There was a story of two people living in two houses, one house was painted in red and the other painted in blue. Inside the red house lived Mr Red with a super untidy surroundings, and in the blue house lived Mr Blue with very meticulously neat surroundings. Mr Red and Mr Blue have totally different personality from one another. Mr Red looks very manly in his leather jacket and thick boots with quite number of tattoos all over his body. Meanwhile, Mr Blue looks very handsome and clean in his white t-shirt and blue jeans, no facial hair whatsoever, soft spoken and a very ladies-men man.
Mr Red serves his country as an army, while Mr Blue does his favorite job as a cook/chef in a glamorous restaurant. Both these men have their own attraction towards women from different communities. When Mr Red walks into a bar, within minutes you will see at least a women sitting next to him and later followed him home. Mr Blue on the other hand, he doesn't like places like nightclubs or street people. This probably due to his busy schedule attending grand event at luxury hotels and being surrounded with high-standards people all the time. Therefore, he enjoys the company of high class people like himself.
Mr Red was rarely seen sober due to his alcohol addiction when he's not on duty, while Mr Blue was never seen drunk no matter how frequent he attended parties or dine out. He knows how to behave appropriately in front of his guests to maintain his image, credibility and profession as a renowned chef.
When Mr Red speaks, he rarely did it politely and most of the time he ended up fighting instead of discussing. Otherwise, Mr Blue never raised his voice to anyone, and he's also the kind of person who can be someone's mother's best friend.
It was destined to one day that both men were officially married to the woman of their dream. Mr Red married to a woman whom he met at the club, and Mr Blue married to one of the VIP's daughter he met at a ceremony.
Several months after marriage, things began to turn really bad when Mr Red started to return home drunk and ended up beating his wife. He beats his wife without pity, and sometime kicks her out of the house and humiliated her terribly while his neighbors were witnessing the whole incident. This shows the whole world what a bad man Mr Red is. Just like fire, story of "Mr Red, The Bad Man" spreads around the town very quick causing the authority to do an intervention to rescue Mrs Red from the inhuman brutality. Finally, Mr Red got arrested and jailed for years, together with a restraining order from his ex wife if he ever succeeded pleading for parole.
On Mr Blue side, several months after marriage he began to get a bit distant from his wife. Years after, he too began to abuse his wife brutally. However, unlike former Mrs Red, Mrs Blue aren't allowed to leak out things or event from inside the house to the public or even to her own relatives. Why? Because Mr Blue attorney make sure things work that way for the sake of Mr Blue's reputation as a renowned chef in the country. If Mrs Blue ever going to speak or complain to the public, the attorney will make sure that Mrs Blue will be sue beyond the amount that she could handle. If Mrs Blue demanded a divorce, she will be left nothing but herself back to her VIP dad's crib, together with the prohibition to ever mention of anything between her and her ex-husband. Fear of being indicted and divorce, Mrs Blue had no choice but to remain silent for as long as she can.
End of the story. =D
I know if I ask anyone, "which would you prefer?", everybody will answer "none". Of course! Who would want an abusive husband? But lets tweak the question to make it plausible.
To the people who's living in between the blue and the red house, and only witnessed what was exposed to them from the outside. Is it fair if those people concluded "all armies are alcoholic, abusive and mean" and "all chef or high class people are well mannered and good people"?
This post was not meant to encouraged people to be nosy and busy body. It was just made to force your mind to think critically... so.. thats it!
Mr Red serves his country as an army, while Mr Blue does his favorite job as a cook/chef in a glamorous restaurant. Both these men have their own attraction towards women from different communities. When Mr Red walks into a bar, within minutes you will see at least a women sitting next to him and later followed him home. Mr Blue on the other hand, he doesn't like places like nightclubs or street people. This probably due to his busy schedule attending grand event at luxury hotels and being surrounded with high-standards people all the time. Therefore, he enjoys the company of high class people like himself.
Mr Red was rarely seen sober due to his alcohol addiction when he's not on duty, while Mr Blue was never seen drunk no matter how frequent he attended parties or dine out. He knows how to behave appropriately in front of his guests to maintain his image, credibility and profession as a renowned chef.
When Mr Red speaks, he rarely did it politely and most of the time he ended up fighting instead of discussing. Otherwise, Mr Blue never raised his voice to anyone, and he's also the kind of person who can be someone's mother's best friend.
It was destined to one day that both men were officially married to the woman of their dream. Mr Red married to a woman whom he met at the club, and Mr Blue married to one of the VIP's daughter he met at a ceremony.
End of the story. =D
I know if I ask anyone, "which would you prefer?", everybody will answer "none". Of course! Who would want an abusive husband? But lets tweak the question to make it plausible.
To the people who's living in between the blue and the red house, and only witnessed what was exposed to them from the outside. Is it fair if those people concluded "all armies are alcoholic, abusive and mean" and "all chef or high class people are well mannered and good people"?
This post was not meant to encouraged people to be nosy and busy body. It was just made to force your mind to think critically... so.. thats it!
The red guy is known for his bad behaviour because he doesn't hide it. So, when his wife asks for divorce, others won't be surprised. Whereas, the blue guy keeps his reputation intact. But he's 'poisoning' his own life and his family's. The one who suffers the most is his wife for she has to swallow everything and and thus, making her life so miserable.
Just my thought.
Feeling so sorry for them..
@Anonymous, yup. Sadly a norm in the society.