Renungan untuk hari ini - 12 Ogos 2010

Mood: Disappointed
Humming song: Your Love by Nicki Minaj
Venue: In my peaceful private space

Renungan untuk hari ini:
My day today started well, despite my hard struggle against my laziness to get up, prepare for breakfast @ sahur, went to an 8am class that ended at 10, met my PSM supervisor Prof. Dr. Noorddin and last but not least attending the 3pm-2hours class before buying food at the Bazaar Ramadhan. It all went so well that I almost thought it was about to be concluded as "another fine day" until a good friend of mine revealed something that I had long forgotten yet still remain a classified thought spitting. I recalled that I shared that thing only to 3 persons and there are no way that the 2 of them will ever gonna have a girlie conversation that involves my "spit" to her *not the one*. Given that 1 doesn't know her and the other 1 doesn't share secrets with new people *who does?!*.

With confidence I went straight to the point by asking whether or not it was her *the only 1 left out of the 3* that passed the story on to her. It was hard for her to admit but she did. I must say that it was hard to try to make the straight face and pretend like it was nothing when indeed it is a huge deal for me. I can see that she *the one* is now also hiding things from me and still digging shit from others but I'll let her be. I have no guilty conscience for her for all her stories and so called "spits" are safe with me, and I don't have any intention to bring it up to anyone because frankly speaking, her's are all children story that's not ever worth to talk about. Not to mention that I have my own natural social charisma skills although I enjoy solitude more than a crowd.

I stopped gossiping on others ever since I realize that I'm too old and good for that *about 1 year ++ now*, though I still get the updates from those who loves to share and I appreciate it. Still, I don't need those updates to make a good conversation with people and I too don't have to ask people for their updates. Because being nosy is super annoying. There is a fine line between being sensitive and being nosy, and that person doesn't seem to see this line and assume that nosy = sensitive. I know! How stupid is that right? hughughughugh!

This person whines a lot, trying really hard to prove how independent she is, trying so hard to be cute, funny, pretty, smart, perfectionist and whatever left for her to try hard to. But she still have the need to be surrounded by friends to do something, and she probably will die if she's left alone in a room for a whole day. Know what this makes you look? Someone menyusahkan!

Why? Because you can't do the simplest thing without friends and what's worst, you have no time to analyze yourself because you've been busy spending all the precious alone moment with your friends. People have to spend some time alone at times so that they won't become a total bitch. If you can't bear the alone time by saying, "mau gila sy oh di bilik 1-1 org", it's either you've been alone for too long or you cannot accept your insight reality. If you still need the approval from others to make you feel good, it means you didn't get enough love from your own parents. Awww~ That's too bad~ I almost feel sorry for you but you're not worth it!

So it's official to say that all of your obviously shown guilty conscience all make sense now. You should be ashamed of yourself and I hope someday you will mess things up with someone who's closed-minded and bother themselves to get physical on you. I surely hope to see you with fat-lip(s), pink-eye(s) and bruise(s) on face and broken cheekbone(s) one day. Just one day. When that time comes, I'll just look at you and make dunno. :)

I enjoy solitude because I like to be a lone-ranger *note that I don't feel alone when I'm in solitude*. I'm a quiet person though not emo, so I still like to call myself a silent phantom. Not the Phantom Of The Opera kind of phantom! I meant phantoms that engineer uses to examine the functionality of clinical X-ray scanner machines *I just hope you can see the importance of phantom from this*. If you think I'm a boring person, then that's your opinion because I am not entitled to your opinion. So as this blog. If you have opinion on things go make your own blog! Though you are welcome to share your opinion, don't fight against my opinion HERE.

Sekian, terima kasih.

Ps: Sorry, ter-emo pula...


erma said…
onn, hope your trouble will fade away ^^,

ps: although i prefer to be surrounded with my friends, i know that i can cope with 'being alone'

pps: aku tak boleh bilik seorang sebab nanti bil elektrik krp mesti naik. kasihan pula <---- a.k.a penakut. malam time tidur pun mesti lampu tidak tutup -_-"
ONN said…
Ahahahahah!!!! erma!! My sun during the cloudy days, my rainbow after the rain, my moonlight during the darkest night! Penceria keadaan betol!!

miss u girl... eh lebo n i berharap ull bring the post-graduate-project aka scrap-book melawat utm time konvo... huahua!!