Well, I wouldn't recommend you to watch this and I also wouldn't wanna say that it's my favourite movie. Enough to say that it's an interesting movie and worth my time watching.
What I'd like to talk about this movie is, it changes my perspectives and views on homosexual relationship. Since the time I knew what a gay and lesbian truly is, I've been told that these homosexual relationships often occurred only to satisfy one's sex need. Even in the media nowadays, like Mastika for instance, all they talk about gays and lesbians are wild and disgusting sex related information. As if there are no feelings involved in these homosexual relationship. It's as if someone invited someone else to go fishing or talking and then that's it, go home and forget about it.
In Brokeback Mountain, it took a long time for Ennis and Jack to realize that they are in love with each other. Their relationship last for over 20 years despite the obstacles and difficulties they face along the years. Neither of them are soft guys. Both of them were rodeo cowboys and fully masculine. The story by the way aren't like the typical love story where you get to see a couple walking holding hands, or kissing in the park, or church wedding and all that. What fascinates me is their conversation. Well, again, it's not a jiwang conversation of I love you, you love me kind of stuff. They just talked about how are they going to survive with this relationship, looking that the cowboy community strictly ban this kind of relationship, and they also have their own family; wife and kids, that didn't know about their gay side. Their conversation was really deep and down to earth.
The climax was when they are about to end the relationship, where all the meaningful talks and emotional expressions were out. This part really amused me because.. okay... this maybe sound silly but... I never thought gays have feelings! I thought it was just and all about sex! The feelings expressed was so beautiful but of course, in man's way. What's weird but interesting is that the guy knows that his partner's gonna beat him if he continues to make him feel alright but he still go on and make his partner feel better even though he ended up with fat lips and pinky eyes. It's really touching.
But of course, I will never allow homosexual relationships to be a trend in my family. I strictly prohibit it no matter whichever branch of family tree my relative is from. I still say no to gay and lesbian.
Ps: First thing that made me wanna watch this was, late Heath Ledger was in it!!